Multiple Functions of Water Management in Paddy Fields

Multiple Functions of Water Management in Paddy Fields

TitleMultiple Functions of Water Management in Paddy Fields
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of PublicationSubmitted
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H. Furihata: Multiple Functions of Water Management in Paddy Fields

Water for agriculture in the paddy area of Asia monsoon regions is not just considered as an economic resource of individual farmers, but is thought to be a common resource shared by a whole rural community and a part of the people's lives. Paddy field irrigation has characteristics not only of negative externalities but also of positive externalities, such as flood prevention and ground water recharge. This paper introduces the multiple uses and functions of water for agriculture in the paddy area of Asia monsoon regions. It maps the high value generated from paddy farming in Asian countries and how this is critical for many communities in addressing the challenges of "Food security and Poverty Alleviation" and "Sustainable Water Use". [authors abstract]

