An overview of Water for Growth and Development in South Africa

An overview of Water for Growth and Development in South Africa

TitleAn overview of Water for Growth and Development in South Africa
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of PublicationSubmitted
Full Text

J. Mtolo: an overview of Water for Growth and Development in South Africa

Water for Growth and Development signals a shift from earlier supply and demand driven approaches, through the period of concerted water service delivery to this sharply-focused response to current and future socio-economic demands and issues of water security. The new focus/thinking strongly emphasize the issue of “Bringing water to the forefront of development planning” which means that all economic and development planning must be influenced and guided by an assessment of water availability. A critical point for consideration is: Water is seldom the primary driver and catalyst of economic development in many instances; however, it can be a severe constraint to development initiatives in many parts of our country. Its availability, or potential availability, is therefore a crucial factor in all development planning initiatives and processes (whether local, regional / provincial or national) in the country. [authors abstract]

