Productive uses of water supply systems: encouraging common practice, for investments with high benefit-cost ratios : summary report

Productive uses of water supply systems: encouraging common practice, for investments with high benefit-cost ratios : summary report

TitleProductive uses of water supply systems: encouraging common practice, for investments with high benefit-cost ratios : summary report
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of PublicationSubmitted
Full Text

Summary report from the discussions

The Multiple use water services (MUS) Group, together with some of its members and partners (IRC, IWMI, Winrock International, RiPPLE, CINARA, World Vision, USAID, Virginia Tech University and Rockefeller Foundation) convened a session at the Stockholm World Water Week on ‘Scaling Pathways for Multiple-Use Services, for Food Security and Health’ with the aim of identifyingscaling pathways for MUS to reach the tipping point. [authors abstract]

