
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Productive Use of Domestic Rural Water Systems The Kenya Case.

A presentation given by Ralph Hall (Virginia Tech), Jenna Davis, Sara Marks (Stanford University) and Robert Hope (University of Oxford) on productive use of domestic rural water systems : the Kenya case, at the 2012 MUS-group meeting in Washington, DC.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Productive Use of Domestic Rural Water Systems The Senegal Case.

A presentation given by Ralph Hall, Emily Van Houweling, Eric Vance, Mark Seiss (Virginia Tech) and Jenna Davis (Stanford University) on productive use of domestic rural water systems : the Senegal case, at the 2012 MUS-group meeting in Washington, DC.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Winrock MUS Training.

A presentation given by Emily Kovich of Winrock International on a Winrock MUS-training, given at the 2012 MUS-group meeting in Washington, DC.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  MUS Group guidelines.

A presentation given by Marieke Adank and Stef Smits (IRC) on guidelines for planning and providing multiple use water services at the 2012 MUS-group meeting in Washington, DC.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  MUS Scaling potentials.

A presentation given by Barbara van Koppen (IWMI) and Stef Smits (IRC) on MUS-scoping studies on potentials, barriers and scaling pathways in India, Nepal, Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania on the 2012 MUS-group meeting in Washington, DC.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Rockefeller Foundation MUS Search process and early results.

A presentation by Robert Marten of the Rockefeller Foundation on the foundation's multiple use services search, given at the 2012 MUS-group meeting in Washington, DC.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Winrock MUS Activities and Key Learnings.

A presentation by Mary Renwick of Winrock International on multiple use water services for the poor: an overview of Winrock activities and key learnings; the presentation was given at the 2012 MUS-group meeting in Washington, DC.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  MUS concepts.

A presentation by Stef Smits on basic MUS issues given at the 2012 MUS-group meeting in Washington, DC.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Honduras: guidelines for planning, designing and implementation of MUS systems.

This guide, developed in partnership between IRC and RAS-HON (Water and Sanitation Network of Honduras), presents guidelines for the planning, design and implementation of MUS systems in Honduras. It has been developed and tested in the context of a pilot MUS programme, consisting of 6 MUS systems in the Department of La Paz. Lessons from these pilot systems have been taken up in these guidelines. The guides consist of a conceptual introduction to MUS in the context of Honduras, a series of steps in planning MUS systems and tools that may help in this process.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  SMART centre in Tanzania.

Powerpoint presentation given at the MUS group meeting in 2011 in Rome by Henk Holtslag, Connect International, on a SMART centre in Tanzania.
